“We should be embarrassed to not being sobbing over how goddam beautiful the world is at all times (wheel out the Gregorian chanters!) “ - god damn bless you, Winnie & America! I love reading your words!!

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I have had such complicated emotions about this as well. You write about it so meaningfully here, and also love that you’re writing about traveling through the US! There is so much to see.

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Thanks so much! Agreed- there isSO much to see! I think the rest of the world forgets what a behemoth America is (and also what makes the idea of a unified vision or "culture" so impossible!) I'm only in Texas and have a month to make my way back to New York but there is so much America between here and there; a million different routes to take, and a million different possible experiences.

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The Truman Show reference really got me!

I think there are such vast dull stretches of nothingness on US roadtrips that make the dramatic parts even more startling - and joke-like. As if some areas have been given everything and others have received nothing as a cruel joke.

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Winnie and Katy for President and VP of Awe! I’m so happy you’re taking this trip so that we can read your gorgeous writing about it. I feel like I’m there, minus all the trouble of actually doing it. Grateful to you!!! Keep it up!!!

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